Wearing a Cross: Should Christians Wear Cross Jewelry?


    There are around 2.3 billion Christians in the world, a number that has increased steadily over the last century.

    With a number of this size, there is naturally some divergence in terms of accepted practices. Different churches and areas have different ideas about the most appropriate interpretations of the word of Our Lord.

    One point of contention is the wearing of crosses as jewelry. Believers are divided on whether this is an acceptable way to give praise to God.

    So, is wearing a cross an acceptable thing for a Christian to do? Read on as we explore this question in greater detail.

    The Importance of the Cross

    As every Christian knows, the cross is the central symbol of our faith. As the instrument used to torture and kill Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, it symbolizes the burden He took on to cleanse us of our sin and bring us to everlasting life.

    Nowadays, churches of every kind feature the cross prominently. Homes of faithful Christians also feature crosses as ornaments.

    Such use of the cross is widely accepted as a valid way to give praise. This article looks at whether the use of the cross as a bodily adornment is also acceptable. As you will see, this kind of use has drawn criticism from certain quarters for various reasons.


    The Arguments Against Wearing a Cross

    The arguments against wearing a cross vary widely. The acceptance (or lack thereof) of the practice varies significantly from church to church.

    Many churches don’t take an official stance on the matter, and prefer to allow individual ministers to advise their flock as they see fit.

    Some of the main objections are explained below.


    If you construe it as being synonymous with, or a specific form of, pride, vanity is one of the seven deadly sins.

    Many Christians look upon jewelry as feeding into the vanity of those who wear it. Therefore, to use a cross as a piece of jewelry is to use this symbol of faith as a monument to your vanity, in this view.

    The Bible warns against the prioritization of outward show at the expense of inner qualities. Some people argue that jewelry has no value other than outward show, and that jewelry based on the cross is therefore unacceptable.

    The Third Commandment

    The Third Commandment states that no one should invoke the Lord’s name, titles, attributes, or works other than in a reverential fashion.

    Many commentators have proposed that improper wearing of the cross could be contrary to this Commandment.

    False Idolatry

    Many people wear crosses as a “lucky charm” of sorts, hoping that it will bring them good luck or ward off ill fortune.

    While this may be done in good faith, it is at odds with Christian teaching. The Bible forbids the worship of any false idol or figure in place of the one true God.

    When people wear the cross in the hope that it will bring them good fortune, they are misunderstanding its purpose. The reason for the use of crosses is the worship of God and the expression of solidarity with other members of the Christian community.

    It is only through a loving and sincere relationship with God that we can expect to find favor with Him. The wearing of a cross alone will not confer any such benefit.

    The belief that it can or would is more consistent with historic pagan traditions than modern Christianity.

    The Arguments in Favor of Wearing a Cross

    While there are objections to wearing a cross as jewelry or another form of adornment, many Christians feel that it is a respectful and important means of giving praise.

    Some of the main defenses of the practice are listed here.

    Celebration of Our Faith

    The cross is used in many different contexts as a mark of respect and reverence for the sacrifice made by Jesus Christ for our salvation. Those who defend the practice of wearing crosses as jewelry claim that this is no different than the use of the cross in any other context.

    Spreading Christianity

    Another defense of the practice of wearing crosses is the idea that it can spread the good Word of God, especially to those who may not have been exposed to it previously.

    Proponents of this idea also point out that it allows Christians to be more open with their faith in areas that may not be friendly towards Christianity. When one Christian sees another sporting a cross, he or she may be more inclined to openly practice their faith in spite of the possibility of disapproval.

    Should I Wear a Cross?



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