The Key To Finding Real Happiness Is Not Reacting To Everything That Upsets You


    The Key To Finding Real Happiness Is Not Reacting To Everything That Upsets You

    Life is exactly what you make it. Full stop.

    No matter how much you try to blame it all on someone else, or even worse fate, you have to understand that, in the end, you are one who has the final word about everything that happens in your life.

    Have you ever noticed that your occasional mood swings have pretty much everything to do with how you respond to situations?

    No? Hmm, well then let me enlighten you.

    If you believe that you are not responsible for your problems, but quite on the contrary, that other people are to blame for your mistakes and your wrongdoings, you, my friend, are delusional.

    Simple as that.

    Deny it all you want, but you are the one and only master of your destiny. And believe it or not, you are the one who determines the course of your life. Your actions lead to consequences. Your reaction to any given situation no matter how bad or good is what makes your life a safe haven or a living hell.

    Just think about it. More than often we lead ourselves to believe that we can indeed control life, or the people around us. We think we are powerful enough to stay on top of things and have everything under control. But life doesn’t work that way. When it comes to it, we don’t have what it takes to make things go our way. We cannot foresee people’s actions and we cannot do anything to prevent them from behaving a certain way. I mean sure, we can always talk to them and give us our advice on what to do and what not to do, but at the end of the day, we don’t have the power to dictate how other people respond to life.

     The Key To Finding Real Happiness Is Not Reacting To Everything That Upsets You

    The only thing we can do is change our attitude about it or in other words, choose our response.

    It took me some time to learn this great lesson, but I am finally there.

    Life is truly what we make it. 

    So, next time life tries to push you down or challenge you in any way that threatens your comfort zone, take a step back. Carefully analyze your situation and take a look at the bigger picture before you make a mistake. Accept the frustrating, painful, annoying things that are happening around you, allow yourself to feel your emotions, no matter how negative they may be and just breathe. You determine the outcome of your life. You are the one who decides how your life is going to be. You, my friend, are the one who chooses whether you’ll see positively on life or you’ll spend your eternity playing the victim, spreading pain, accumulating toxicity and pointing fingers.

    Take responsibility for your actions and change your response to life’s challenges. Only then you’ll be able to find true happiness.

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