The Girl Who Goes After What She Wants Ends Up The Happiest


    happiest girls

    The girl who seems always happy has their moments of sadness as well. She also cries into her pillow at night, her heart also breaks into million pieces in the bathroom floor, she also feels lost at times. However, the difference between this girl and others is that this girl doesn’t stay sad for long. She doesn’t allow sadness to overpower her.

    Even when she is at the lowest point in her life, she’ll still rise like a phoenix from the ashes stronger than ever to make her dreams reality because giving up is not an option for her.

    The girl who never loses hope, never surrenders, and never backs down ends up the happiest. She is confident in herself. She knows she is meant for great things and that she will succeed. Of course, there are times when she questions herself and is scared to start something new, but that fear doesn’t last long.

    She doesn’t stay stuck in her comfort zone. She moves forward, always.

    This girl who works hard ends up the happiest. However, she also knows when to take a break when she is tired and recharge her energy. She knows when to take a vacation for herself before she experiences burnout. She is very self-aware and she knows how to take good care of herself.

    The Girl Who Goes After What She Wants Ends Up The Happiest

    She doesn’t expect any credit for her hard work. She works silently. She doesn’t boast about her accomplishments on social media. Yes, sometimes she celebrates her success with her close friends, but she doesn’t need that extra attention and validation from other people.

    Because she is doing it all for herself, not for others. She wants to make a life for herself.

    The girl who ends up the happiest never gives up. She never kisses goodbye to her dreams. She never gives up on the things and people she loves. She keeps fighting for everything she loves because she knows she has everything it takes to create the reality she wants for herself.

    The girl who ends up the happiest is the one who keeps moving forward. The one who is confident in herself. The one who knows that she do anything she sets her mind to.



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