Home Relationship Marriage Is Not Just About $ex! 2

Marriage Is Not Just About $ex! 2


Family! Do you remember we have ten items more to discuss under this topic? Good! Let’s see more today! I will be taking two together!

3)Marriage is Companionship & Help:

What is companionship? The act of keeping company with one. It can also be seen as the state of being with someone. That is; you have someone with you and of course you are NOT ALONE! You have someone to rub mind with and of course you have someone to help you when you need help.

If you are conversant with the story of the first man and woman Adam and Eve, you will remember that God said ‘so that Adam will not be alone’, he made him Eve. This is what is called companionship.

And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

Every time I read this verse of the Bible, I use to think about women who think they are more important that the reason why God created them.

And also about men who think they don’t even need any help of their women to fulfil their destiny. They are so capable!

I will start from the men side. In life, we always ask God to send help to us. Any man that married correctly has found favour with God already.

Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD. Proverbs:18:22

God has sent help to you. But if you ill-treat your wife or you won’t give her space in your life thinking you can get to your destination without her. No! You can’t! The whole success you call excellent is Just the beginning of where God want you to be. Unless you have chosen to be an Eunuch just like Apostle Paul.

A woman is a special being made by God for men to be their companion and help them. Some men who can’t see to the spirit always think about their wives of a ‘house help’ alone. Like taken care of laundry, cooking, etc.

This is good! But you see, there is more to your woman than just a physical help. A woman is loaded! She is a Help meet! Not house help!

Someone that can help you meet up God’s expectations for you and also help you meet your own target. 
If you haven’t read the story of Adam and Eve well enough please go and read it.

God had made all things, and had already given Adam work to be doing and he had named all things, before the idea of a help meet came up. You need a good companion to find help!

Marriage is companionship! You need a right and a good companion to be fulfilled. When Adam found Eve ; she was the right woman. Adam said:

And Adam said, This is NOW bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

So many men bring in another woman in place of their wives. But I will advice you today as a true head. Whatever that is making you replace your companion with other women, Go and resolve it. You are the King remember. Make things right in the palace of your home!

Some don’t tell their wives anything. They go anywhere they love, they do anything they like, and prefer to tell their relatives or friends their undertaken instead of their wives. You better change!

Woman! I will also land on you! If you leave the mission of God in your life through pride, you will never be a fulfilled woman. One great thing that push away a woman from her seat as a Queen is PRIDE! Yes! Watch out for Pride and embrace humility!

God made you to be a companion of your husband and to help him succeed physically and spiritually. Don’t pull him down. Helping a man is deep! This is a topic for another day. If he is strong enough or can achieve all alone, he won’t need a helper.

Strengthen him by praying for him. God saw his weaknesses and so he brought you to his life. What is that weakness you are seeing in your husband? Help him! Cover him! Let him achieve greatness through your help.

God has put some grace on your life to help your man. Discover it and Start using it to help him. 
Some women will because of money take up an unrealistic job with a location which won’t allow them attend at all to their husband. Believe me, this is wrong unless your man willingly allow you.

This has opened so many family to extra marital affairs. The man need the company of a woman, and the woman must definely help a man. We know some men even do that at their wives’ nose. But so many won’t have been overcame with such temptations if not that the woman care less about their husband welfare. Most women who care less about their husband end up caring about some other men. Care about your husband’s needs and vice versa.

I will end this piece by saying this. God is the wisest. Both of you need one another. Companionship must always go with helping one another, which means help must not be one sided. Help your woman to help you. If you kill your helper. You have killed your Help. Know the worth of your wife! Help her! Develop her! Build her spiritually and physically. Don’t burden her unnecessarily.

By Evang Kemi Longe



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