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Let Go Of The People Who Cannot Love You Back: You Deserve More Than You Know


Let Go Of The People Who Cannot Love You Back: You Deserve More Than You Know

There is nothing more important than love. But when I say love, I mean two-sided, genuine, mutual, all-consuming love. A feeling that two people share with each other. A state of being that allows you to connect with another individual on a high level. An emotion that drives you to do things that you’ve never done. Complete surrender of the heart, mind, and body… That is love. That is pure, selfless love…

Anything else than that is simply not worth the sacrifice. Not worth the struggle. Not worth the effort… Especially not unrequited love…

Below are 7 powerful methods that have helped me overcome the pain of loving someone who didn’t love me back. I hope they’ll be of any help to you and show you the way. However you choose to cope with your situation, know that you deserve much more than you can imagine…

1. Cut those emotional attachments from them. First things first. If you want to start healing, you have to. Let go of everything that connects you with them. Release yourself from the cage that you’ve put yourself in. Say goodbye to that toxic environment that you’ve lived in and give yourself the love that you craved for so long.

2. Give yourself the time to grieve the loss. Stop rushing. Stop wondering when those feelings are going to vanish. Stop pitying yourself. It’s okay. You’ve just left someone you were with. Someone you shared your heart with. It’s okay to be lost and confused. And it’s okay to mourn. Take as much time as you need. You need strength to keep on moving…

3. Stop all communication with them. This is one of the most important steps in your healing process. You cannot expect to see your wounds healed if you constantly scratch them. Stop all contact with that person and isolate yourself in your shelter.

4. Engage in creative and simulative activities to put your mind off your situation. Sing. Dance. Draw. Run. Play. Meditate. Hike. Rest. Cry. Communicate with people. Do whatever gives you strength and fills both your mind and heart with joy. You need it. Right now, you need this much more than you know.

Let Go Of The People Who Cannot Love You Back: You Deserve More Than You Know

5. Focus on yourself for a change. Start working on creating the version of yourself that you’ve always dreamed of. Instead of obsessing about them and trying to find out what they are doing and who they are with, focus on your life. On your transformation. Your growth. Your journey. Your needs. Your dreams. Your life.

6. Talk about how you feel. Share your pain with those who are there for you. Share your load with the people who are willing to help you carry it. Don’t be afraid to open your heart and talk about what you are going through. The right people, those that really love you, no matter what you are going through, will always be there to lend you a hand and help you overcome your struggles.

7. Surround yourself with people who know your worth and love you for the real you. I am not saying you should immediately jump back into the dating world. Just give yourself time and try to find a way to regain a sense of self. To reconnect with yourself. With all of those parts of your soul that you thought they were taken from you. They’re not. They are right there within your soul. You just have to look closely. Only then, after you’ve found yourself again, you can truly focus on letting new people in.



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