Italian Tenor Cheers His Quarantined Neighbors With A Wonderful Balcony Performance


    Italian Tenor Maurizio

    Italy, the second most affected country by the novel Coronavirus has officially gone under total lockdown.

    But even though it may be quiet out in the streets, Italians have once again shown us that nothing can break their spirit. If you are at home these days then I am sure you’ve seen some of the videos that went viral. People are following the government’s instructions, but they refuse to let the crisis bring them down.

    So, the whole country has turned to one of the things it does best. And that is, sharing music. People are out there dancing on their balconies, exercising, playing their instruments, partying, singing and enjoying life as if there’s no tomorrow…

    One of them is the Italian Tenor Maurizio Marchini.

    Inspired by the many videos of his fellow citizens, a few days ago Maurizio, decided to take part in this wonderful initiative and serenade the whole town from his balcony in Florence.

    In the video below, Marchini Sings Puccini’s aria from his opera Turandot, called ‘Nessun Dorma’ or ‘None shall sleep’. To make the moment even more heart-warming, as the aria climaxes, he picks up his son and repeats the line ‘Vinceò!, or ‘I will be victorious.’

    So far, Italy is the second most affected country in the world. It has lost many souls in this battle. At this moment, there are 23,073 active cases and 2,158 deaths. The pandemic has forced the government to close Milan’s iconic Teatro Alla Scala and cancel all the upcoming shows and performances worldwide.

    However, these videos give us hope that no matter how dark this all seems right now, there is always a bright side to everything. It is up to us to choose whether we’ll let fear prevail or we’ll find the strength within us and keep moving on regardless of it all.

    One thing is for sure… We’re all in this together. The only way we’ll overcome these hard times is through love, compassion, and solidarity.

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