I Hope You Know That Sadness Doesn’t Last Forever: One Day, This Too Shall Pass


    I Hope You Know That Sadness Doesn’t Last Forever: One Day, This Too Shall Pass

    It’s fine. You are fine. What you are going through is a pretty normal part of life.

    It’s okay to be afraid. It’s okay to feel discouraged. It’s okay to feel lost.

    Life is unpredictable and it can get pretty shitty. There are days when you are feeling great and then there are days when you are sad. And it’s okay. All of it is fine. It’s how life goes. You can’t have one without the other. You can’t have white without a little bit black on your color palette. You can’t have light without a bit of darkness. They are all important fragments that make this life a wonderful journey. They are all just pieces of the puzzle.

    I just hope you know that none of that lasts forever.

    They say the good news is, nothing lasts forever. The bad news is, well… nothing lasts forever. Everything passes, everything fades. Nothing really ever remains. And as much as this sounds depressing and mind-boggling, that’s the way life goes.

    So, feel the way you feel. Let your emotions overflow your body, no matter how scared you are. Let your heart feel heavy and sad. Let your mind wander. Let yourself get lost in the unfamiliarity. Let yourself get scared. Let yourself face whatever life is serving you and accept it. Accept each and every experience as a lesson and do your best to learn it. Shout, scream, cry as loud as you feel, and let it all out. Do whatever you feel like doing.

    And know that none of what you are going through right now is there to stay forever.

    Not even sadness.

    One day, that too shall pass and you will feel as free as a bird. Your soul will be cleared from all the pain. Your heart will be free of fear. Your mind will be free of doubts. Your eyes will sparkle with joy. You will be a person reborn. You will feel like yourself again.

    Right now, you have to focus on this experience.

    And understand that even though things may be difficult, you will be fine.

    I  hope that whatever happens to you, you’ll remind yourself that you are allowed to feel the way you feel. That is how you’ll grow through what you go through. That is how you’ll become stronger, wiser, better, braver.

    And that is how you’ll understand that even in the midst of sadness, there will still be moments when your heart feels full. When you’ll find joy in the simplest of things. When you’ll catch yourself laughing about something silly.

    I hope that you know all of this. And if you don’t, I hope you learn.

    Sad days don’t last forever. Pain can be dealt with. Memories cannot be erased, but they can be released.  You can survive life’s challenges. Faith in yourself is crucial. You are not alone.



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