COVID-19: Our World Is Healing. We Should Heal Too


    COVID-19: Our World Is Healing. We Should Heal Too

    There is a paradox happening during this pandemic. While a horrible thing is happening in the whole world, there is a silver lining.

    Yes, we may be suffering inside. Many people have died or are battling for their lives. Many people have lost their jobs and people they loved forever. Many others are constantly living in fear.

    However, during this quarantine, we have more time for doing the simple things in life. We have more time to be around our families. We have time to enjoy our alone time and dedicate ourselves to our hobbies. We have time to find joy in happiness in a simple walk outside.

    Now our conversations with the people close to us are more meaningful. We have time to talk with people we haven’t seen for ages. We start appreciating the things we had but we took for granted. We have become gentler and kinder to each other.

    But, with all these examples of things that we should be doing to be more productive, it seems that we have become even more pressured than we were before. We should read more books! We should take online courses! We should be creative! The pressure is endless.

    In my opinion, instead of trying to reach all the goals, we should take time to rest. We should sit down with our emotions and give ourselves permission to be sad, to grieve, and to be scared.

    It is okay to feel overwhelmed. It is okay to be afraid. It is okay to feel unproductive. We are each trying to make the most of this difficult situation.

    Our world is healing. We should heal too.



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