It’s Fine To Take Your Time Because Love Cannot Be Forced


    It’s Fine To Take Your Time Because Love Cannot Be Forced

    Rushing to finish college, rushing to get a job, rushing to buy that shampoo on discount, rushing to get married…

    We live our lives in a rush. We live our lives in small-sized boxes of cereal, in small cups of coffee. Everything is pre-planned, everything is timed.

    I think we are in such a rush that we have forgotten to live, and we have forgotten the value and the importance of taking things slow. Step by step. After all, love cannot be forced. You can get a random job until you find the job you really want because someone has to pay the bills, right? But you cannot be in a quasi-relationship and expect to be happy.

    Love is one of those slugs you see after the rain. It comes slow. And it’s better that way. It means it’s there to stay.

    Don’t give in to social pressure. Who cares if you are single? Well, you care, but not other people. Your friends and family will love you the same whether you are single or in a relationship. To them, nothing changes. You are you and they love you for you, not because you are dating a random person or some CEO for that matter. So, it’s you, you have to make happy, therefore, be patient.

    Loneliness teaches us a lot and we shouldn’t run away from it like it’s an illness or whatever.

    Perfect couples don’t exist. I mean, our ideals of perfect couples are what? Romeo and Juliet? Well, let me remind you – Romeo and Juliet was a tragedy. Tristan and Iseult? Another tragedy.

    Passion is nice and all, it gives you this rush of adrenaline. It makes you head over heels for someone you, let’s face it, don’t really know. People hide their true colors and even if they don’t, it’s hard to get to know someone right away. It takes years. Hell, we don’t even know ourselves fully, let alone other people.

    So, for all those wondering, it’s fine. It’s fine taking your time before rushing to a relationship you are not exactly sure about. We never skip stages like passion and romance but we shouldn’t skip the get-to-know-the-person-you-are-dating stage the same as we don’t skip levels in a video game.

    Yes, get to know that person, hang out with them. Talk. Like really, really talk. About random stuff but about the deeper meaning of life too. See if you like their ideas, their perspectives in life. Analyze.  Be analytical.

    Before jumping up to a relationship make sure you know how much it means to you and how much you are willing to invest in that relationship. Not getting too excited, not being blinded by passion is a good thing once you are ready to start something serious with someone.

    When you try to blaze up a flame, sometimes strong winds will start blowing. However, flames blaze the sky with equal light – those that start burning within an instant and those for which you had to put in some effort. It’s the same intensity, so time makes no difference, it does not diminish the passion. It only reinforces communication, it makes you well acquainted with the person you are with and makes you confident in your decisions.

    Knowing that you made the right choice after the wait and after taking the time to get to know your partner is soothing and empowering. Embrace that power that comes with time and with slow actions.

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