Home ENTERTAINMENT NEWS Hairdresser tells teenage apprentices to kneel by roadside as punishment, video stirs...

Hairdresser tells teenage apprentices to kneel by roadside as punishment, video stirs reaction


Apprentices at a hairdressing salon have been seen in a viral video kneeling by the roadside, reportedly ordered to do so, as punishment, by their boss.

The apprentices numbering six could be seen on their knees, looking helpless on a coal-tarred road, while passers-by watched them.

A motorcycle carrying a passenger drove past the girls and they also observed the strange sight.

The trainer, who shared the video online, tagged them as “stubbornness students”.

While this is a trend among artisans who take in apprentices willing to learn a trade under them, many netizens found it worrisome and were concerned that some take things a bit too far.

More comments poured in highlighting the danger of the spot and the manner in which they were made to carry out the punishment. The seemingly teen-aged girls knelt backing the road, oblivious of any coming vehicle which could pose danger through possible overspeeding.



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